St Mary's Church

Building Fellowship & Bettering our Community through the Gospel


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May All We Do Be For God's Glory!

God's Field (National Newsletter of the PNCC) - Please contact us for a link to the latest issue!

Links to other pages of interest!

Synod Display
We Thank Cecil and Becky who made a wonderful display from our recently held diocesan Synod in which they participated in. It is on the sign up table - please take a few moments to see it and look over the materials!

No Mass on February 23!

In 2 weeks we will have Mass on Saturday February 22 at 4pm, and it will be the only Mass for the weekend. Mass will not be celebrated on February 23. Thank You for noting this!

Meeting Date Change

Our Men’s Club will have its February meeting next Sunday February 16 at 9:30am. All men are invited to attend!

Reports - Annual reports of the Parish Committee chairperson and the Pastor are on the sign up table. Please help yourself!

Home Blessings! - Home Blessings will continue for the next couple of weeks. The blessing is meaningful yet brief. Please contact Father Charles to arrange for a day and time convenient for you!

Financial Statements - If you would like a financial statement for contributions made to the parish in 2024, please contact Father Charles.

Music Scholarships - If you are taking music lessons, and would like to use your talent in service of our church, please see Father Charles for a Music Scholarship application or more information!

Men’s Clothing - If you have new or gently used men’s clothing which you no longer need, please bring them to church and place them in the specially marked box. Thank You for your support and assistance!

Women’s Clothing - Some have mentioned that they have new or gently used women’s clothing that they no longer need. Please hold onto them, as we are making plans for a Lent project. If you can’t hold onto the items that long, please contact Father Charles.

Walker - If you or someone you know are in need of a tall multi-use walker in like new condition at no cost, please contact Father Charles.