St Mary's Church

Building Fellowship & Bettering our Community through the Gospel


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May All We Do Be For God's Glory!

God's Field (National Newsletter of the PNCC) - Please contact us for a link to the latest issue!

Links to other pages of interest!

Pet Drive
This years Pet Drive is under way! We are collecting things like dog food, cat food, toys, treats and money. The items collected will be given to local pet agencies which save, shelter, and help animals in need. Items can be brought to church and placed on the tables in back. We will continue this drive all the way to our Blessing of the Pets on October 5.  Thank You for helping animals in need!

Blessing of the Pets!
This year’s Blessing of the Pets will take place Saturday October 5 from 11am to 1pm. All families with pets are welcome! Feel free to stop by even if you don’t have a pet!. This year we are adding a moment of prayer at 12 noon for all owners of recently departed pets. We will have treats for pets and people as well! We have flyers in the vestibule - please feel free to use them to invite family and friends!
This is such a wonder event, and we hope you will join us!

Zoo Boo

We are considering an outing to Zoo Boo on Saturday October 19. We would meet there. The cost for children is Free, with our parish covering the cost! If you are interested, please see the sign up sheet!

Christmas Decorating Ideas - If you have ideas about ways to decorate our church for Christmas, or would like to begin looking through our decorations for inspiration, please see Susan!

Cleaning Volunteers Needed
If you can spare 1 hour a month to help clean our church, please see Father Charles. We have all the equipment and can show you how!

If you make numerous contributions to our parish, you may want parish envelopes. They are convenient, will have your name of them, and will allow us to give you a donation statement if you would want one. If you have any questions or need further information, please see Father Charles.