St Mary's Church 

Building Fellowship & Bettering our Community through the Gospel


2/12 - Meletius of Antioch, bishop
2/14 - Valentine, martyr (Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Happy St Valentine's Day!)
2/16 - Men's Club meeting at 9:30am (Please note the change of date!)
2/17 - Presidents Day
2/21 - Severian, bishop and martyr
2/22 - Mass at 4pm (This will be the only Mass of the weekend)
2/23 - Mass not held this day (Saturday Feb 22 only)
2/24 - Feast of Matthias, Apostle
2/26 - Alexander of Alexandria, bishop
3/2 - Choir meeting at 9:30am
3/2 - Prayer Circle at 9:55am
3/4 - Casimir, king and confessor
3/5 - Ash Wednesday Masses at 12 noon and 7pm

Sunday Mass at 10am!

Sacraments give us grace. If you are unable to come to church, please call to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to you!

The weekend of February 22

Mass will be held on Saturday only, at 4pm

Please make a note of this change!